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Text and typography in a critical way: function on typography in a meaningful way
Introduction to term: philisophy
show some design that has used model of practice
- Dominant mode of gd in 80’s 90’s
- the work they produced is a model for the integration of theory and practice together: a theory that is realised in practice, a practice that relies on theory.
- approach that comes out of postmodernism
- technique of post modern age: question unwritten assumptions, challenge and question conventions, set systems get replaced
- SEX PISTOLS COVER ....rejection: cohernce, anti-technique, no order, anti aesthetic- doesnt rely on colour theory: disrupting it, pluralism, a critique of the modern world, born out of frustration, cocky political form.
- deconstruction born out of desire to question
- deconstruct-anaylse, read critically
- deconstruction: a mode of questioning/differencing
- deconstructivism: a style of practice, particularly associated with architecture
- deconstructionism: interpreted in GD... not just simply reducing something to a simple idea or form (its an approach,a way of ananlysing)
- Cranbrook academy-deconstructionist was invented there
- 6. a text: book, tv, fashion
- look for hidden contradictions beneath
- uncover systems that give meaning, how things are given a closed single meaning
- form and content /speech&writing =opposites
- get under surface of simple divisions, not two sides to some 100000000......
- 7. often privaledge one over the other: spoken and written communication, spoken is privaledge: writing is the inferior copy to speech.
- the artwork is more important than the copy
- language communicates speech
- a book can speak eternally
- the role of the spoken voice
- writing is personified as gramatology
What frames typography and writing: what influences content
read TEXT write 500 word summary on key functions of typography in communication, use key point to discuss one piece of deconstructionist GD.
- content of book:ideas, knowledge
- form: type&images: way idea communicated
- crystal goblet: design is secondary to content
- vehicle for content or do they affect/create content: serif, cern, space, layout,
- some typography can have a voice but not others: depends on use
- all typefaces have a voice....every book gives off a meaning before you look at it
- novel... the words should speak for themselves
- book with footnotes&no pics ...transmits message
- form is not secondary to you a meaning
- taking what seems to be givens
- typography reads for you, stops the effort required
- paragraph spacing, sentences stop, one font
- standard ideas of reading avoid you reading
- when you are reading its not you reading, its actually the type of designer reading for you
error and ownership
- if somethings different, you read it more creatively, makes you question
- if printed every page same: closes the work, giving only one meaning
- gives on signify when it could give many
- work and text:
birth of the user:
- importance of reader over writer
- typography=mode of interpretation
- not a crystal goblet-each typographic act is attempt to reframe the content
- make choice to represent content in certain way
- certain works insist on certain meaning
- typographic styles and tactics to allow the user to interpret it in their own way (readerly text)
- 10. taught conventions frame the way in which you read. looks like column when its actually not-one of the mechanisms that control meaning. through act of reading forced to think about meaning. exposing internal contradictions. have to jump gap when reading-makes you start to question how space affects meaning of work. have to read two way simultaneously=top to bottom ...left to right. instead of insisting one meaning, allows viewer to make discussions. both work together and separately. use typography to expose limitations. makes you look at form not just content. typography that is critiquing itself.
- 11. people ca and should be readers, bringing their own interpreations to the table ...but dont.
- post-structuralism=response
- 15. reprinted book where structure slowly starts to dissolve. expect to see type and references. fragmented solid columns, irregular space, refernces dont connect, relation between reference and body disrupted ...makes you think about how controlled you are about normal typographic exposure. type not only had a voice, but controls.
- 18. advetise lecture. can start order. poster..order is normally controlled and you are led around it. liberated page.
- 19. template gothic typeface..even if structured in grid...defeats geometry.
- 20. explosion of gd insanity. overwhelms..makes you feel lost. stylistic. no is largly blank,mainly going on in margins. RAY GUN.
- deconstruction became a style.
- using type to explain an critique (of david carcism)
deconstruction- a method not a style (paradoxically become a style)
works within a system to expose contradictions/limitations of system
form is speaking more or as much as content, that is always the case even in a book.
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